
A Year in Reading: Edan Lepucki
Life in 2020 felt scary and small; this year it feels liminal, perhaps irrelevant. As in 2020, I'm still scared: less by Covid and more by...everything else.

The Millions Least Anticipated: Post-Coronavirus Fiction
For nearly four weeks now, I’ve been practicing social distancing. When I’m not homeschooling or making beans or wiping up dog urine, I’ve thought a lot about what kind of fiction will come out of this crisis. It won’t all be good.

A Year in Reading: Edan Lepucki
I’ve got to be reading something, anything, at all times. I’m like a slobbery Golden Retriever at its dog bowl. More, more, more!

Uncomfortable Territory: The Millions Interviews Meaghan O’Connell
What I remember and miss now, being out of that stage of the writing process, was the feeling of something being unlocked. It was always a little beyond language, just a sense of possibility, a door opening in my brain after I’d been hitting a wall. Despondency giving way to hope.

Great Art Doesn’t Just Happen: The Millions Interviews Bill Goldstein
And then every so often you just stop yourself in awe and realize, these are Virginia Woolf’s letters! This is her paper, her ink, she wrote this — it’s not a facsimile.

31 Writer Dreams: A List
Since 'Woman No. 17' has been published, I've wondered what would have to occur for me to feel 100% satisfied with the book's performance and reception.

You Can’t Go Wrong With Heart: The Millions Interviews Jami Attenberg
I had no doubt in my mind that I wanted a collective female energy to buoy this book. We’re always steering the fucking ship, whether it’s acknowledged or not.

Whole Lives Are Dedicated to Not Thinking About Something: The Millions Interviews Dan Chaon
I pretended to be my own creation, no nature or nurture either, just a self-invented person. See? I’m just like you, readers of The Millions.

A Year in Reading: Edan Lepucki
Lew Archer’s assessments of women — “Legs still good. Mouth still good.” — continued to rankle, and I began to collect these instances…for what, I am not yet sure. Maybe as a reminder that this way of seeing females is historical, at least half a century old. It is also our inheritance. And it persists.

Writing the Great Psychological Experiment: The Millions Interviews Margot Livesey
I am still a little surprised by how deeply interested I am in moral choices. Clearly I was paying more attention in my Scottish Sunday school than I realized. I remain deeply puzzled -- I’d have to say indignant -- that as adults we can find ourselves in situations where there is no obvious right thing to do.

Five Novels I Won’t Write
Alas, I have only one life, and one voice, and only three days of childcare a week to write.

Well Fed: Breastfeeding in Literature
For the first months of my daughter's life, when I was nursing a lot more often and for longer sessions, I depended on TV and books to keep me sane.

Neither Gift nor Curse: The Millions Interviews Rumaan Alam
Novels can do whatever the writer asks them to. It may not work, but you can always ask.

Life Is Short and This Book Is Long: Two Thoroughly Modern Women Continue to Discuss ‘David Copperfield’
I still have 200 pages to go and I can barely remember what it's like to truly love a book. I am so behind and the book is starting to feel endless. Every night I tell myself, "Okay, go to bed early. Read for an hour or more." Then I get in bed, read two pages, and fall asleep at 9 pm or whatever it is.