Panel Mania: ‘Paying the Land’

July 31, 2020 | 1 book mentioned

In his new book, Paying the Land, acclaimed comics journalist Joe Sacco pays a visit to the Dene and other Indigenous people in their vast homelands in Canada’s Northwest Territories near the arctic circle.

Sacco is there to learn about the history of Canada’s First Nation peoples and their tragic conflict with the Canadian government—and to understand their new struggle with mining, oil, and fracking companies looking to exploit their traditional lands.

In this 12-page excerpt Sacco talks with Chief Dolphus Jumbo and indigenous activists about the terrible impact of Canada’s residential schools and the push-pull of traditional and modern life.

Paying the Land by is out now from Metropolitan Books.

Bonus Links:
Joe Sacco Grapples with Human Nature: The Millions Interview

This piece was produced in partnership with Publishers Weekly.

is senior news editor of Publishers Weekly and editor of PW Comics World.