When Dave Eggers’s novel The Every was released in the fall of 2021, publisher McSweeney’s made waves by commissioning 32 alternative cover designs for the book, which were distributed at random to independent bookstores (and, notably, not Amazon). Nearly a year later, McSweeney’s has released yet another batch of new covers for The Every—16, to be exact—with the help of seven emerging and established artists, several of them from McSweeney’s homebase of San Francisco. Behind this year’s covers are artists Kris Lang, Elaine Buckholtz, Michelle Blade, Tucker Nichols, Karen O., Eric Heiman, and Justin Carder.
The Millions is pleased to reveal the 16 new covers for latest editions of The Every.

From McSweeney’s executive director Amanda Uhle:
Publishing The Every has been a dream for us. As an independent, nonprofit book and magazine publisher for 25 years, our commitment to the free exchange of ideas is at the heart of why we exist. Dave’s funny, frightening, and moving novel masterfully explores technology’s role in information sharing and how that’s changing humanity. We were able to publish the book in a way that also speaks to some of the pressing questions posed in the novel: Is limitless choice forever altering our culture? Our species? And does humanity truly want to be free? With a nod to those world-shaping ideas, McSweeney’s published The Every in more than 50 artist-designed hardcover images—available in perpetuity—alongside Knopf/Vintage’s more traditional paperback. The artist-designed hardcovers are only available in independent bookstores. Tossing aside publishing industry norms and experimenting with new and beautiful ways to put this book into readers’ hands has been a joy, and we’re elated to see both critics and audiences continue to respond to this extraordinary novel, in all its gorgeous iterations. It’s a wonderful bonus for us that we were able to showcase the work of dozens of contemporary artists, many from our homebase of San Francisco.

Dave Eggers will also be doing his first-ever appearances on behalf of The Every later this month on the following dates:
Tuesday, October 18 at 7 pm
Whatcom Museum
Bellingham, WA
*Will also discuss The Museum of Rain
Wednesday, October 19 at 6 pm
Elliott Bay Book Company
Seattle, WA
Thursday, October 20 at 7 pm
Deep Vellum Books
Dallas, TX
Friday, October 21 at 5 pm
Carmichael’s Bookstore
Louisville, KY
Wednesday, October 26 at 6 pm
826 LA w/ Javier Zamora
Los Angeles, CA