Announcements Honey & Wax Book Collecting Prize 2023 Winners Editor - 9.19.2023 Auroura Morgan is the winner of this year's Honey and Wax Book Collecting Prize for American women book collectors aged 30 and younger. Editor - 9.19.2023
Announcements ‘The Every’ by Dave Eggers Gets 16 New Covers Editor - 10.7.2022 McSweeney's unveils another batch of alternative book covers for Eggers's 2021 novel. Editor - 10.7.2022
Announcements Honey & Wax Book Collecting Prize 2022 Winners Editor - 9.30.2022 Meet the six extraordinary young women behind the winning book collections. Editor - 9.30.2022
Announcements Welcome, Natalie! Editor - 5.29.2018 A new web editor joins the staff. Editor - 5.29.2018
Announcements The Millions Membership Drive: Update C. Max Magee - 2.8.2018 Our readers are leading a revolution. C. Max Magee - 2.8.2018
Announcements Your Destiny and Ours: How Readers of The Millions Are Changing Our Story C. Max Magee - 11.28.2017 We can now see how our readers might one day insulate us from the forces being unleashed by massive companies. But we aren't there yet. C. Max Magee - 11.28.2017